
From Kochans Consulting to Digital Marketing for Change

From Kochans Consulting to DM for Change

Ashley Kochans | 3.11.24

What is Digital Marketing (DM) for Change?

Digital Marketing (DM) for Change is Kochans Consulting reimagined. My business is moving away from my last name “Kochans” and into something with more room to grow.

We initiated the shift in late 2023, to acknowledge the work of some very treasured co-conspirators, namely, Rachael Kraft and Sarah Bommer. These colleagues have partnered with me to serve more clients and expand beyond classic SEO.

Starting on May 13, Kochans Consulting will go by “DM for Change”, short for Digital Marketing for Change. The new brand honors not only our trade, but more importantly, our clients – changemakers across health, education, and nonprofits.

Why is Kochans Consulting rebranding?

To be precise, Kochans Consulting isn’t exactly rebranding. We’re creating a new brand that will use my existing LLC as it’s legal entity. I envision a future where DM for Change is it’s own business entity; but for now, DM for Change is simply a registered trade name. This detail keeps my tax and legal compliance simple. I’ll let you know of any changes that may impact clients and partners, for example, EIN or banking details. Right now, all the fine print stays the same.

I will continue to run both brands, although I’m prioritizing DM For Change’s growth over the next year. Work that is exclusively delivered by me, and doesn’t involve my team, will fall under the Kochans Consulting brand. However, it’s increasingly more common that I partner with a team of specialists for projects. Working with this stellar team of entrepreneurs allows me to ensure top quality, leverage a variety of expertises, and ultimately, produce the best deliverables.

That brings me to the reason behind the new brand – this fantastic team! I’m grateful to have built a network of reliable, skilled, and collaborative partners. I’m honored to connect meaningful causes & clients with these partners. However, I’m simply a connector and a facilitator. Moving to DM For Change highlights the real engine behind this work – our shared passion for creating positive change in the world using digital marketing.

What does this change mean for current clients?

Starting on May 10, my email address will change to the new domain name I’d love for you to update my email in your address book, but even if you don’t, you’ll still be able to reach me. My old email address will work as an alias.

I’ll do my best to transfer any access you’ve given me via the email address to the new email address. In some cases, I may lack permission to give my new email address access. This is not time-sensitive as I will cary the old email address as an alias for at least a year.

My LLC will not change. I have a DBA (doing business as) with the new name. All of our contracts should still be valid. If you need or prefer an addendum to reflect the new DBA, I’m happy to provide that. 

In Q4, I’ll likely start sending invoices from DM for Change, but I’d like to hear from clients. If it’s useful to keep the old name, I can do that easily.  

Some of you have created business email addresses for me so that I can easily and securely manage items in your Google Suite. These will not be affected by the rebrand, and I will continue to receive access and messages in that email. 

What does this change mean for contractors?

I’ll continue to pay contract invoices via Gusto, ACH, or credit card. Payroll and banking information will not change.

I’m making this change to bring more attention to your work. If you’d like an email with the DM for Change domain name, or, if you’d like to partner together on growing this brand, let’s chat! 

A Word of Gratitude

I’m taking this name change as an opportunity to step back and witness how far the business has grown in the past four years. From a means to work through pandemic to a rebranded, registered business in 2024 – my entrepreneurial journey has been personally and professionally transformative.

I’m immensely grateful for the mentors I’ve met along the way. Both the volunteers who offered their time to dredge me through the ins & outs of financial reporting and clients whose patient feedback made me the consultant I am today – Thank you for witnessing my growth.

If you’re interested in learning more about DM for Change, schedule a call or view our brand assets.